



  中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院森林生态与管理重点实验室骨干成员。曾多次获得中国科学院沈阳分院优秀青年学者、中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所先进科技工作者。长期以来主要从事森林生态系统碳氮循环方面的研究,在土壤碳库组成、土壤有机碳分解、凋落物分解等方面取得了一系列原创性研究成果。先后主持国家重点研发计划子课题、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题、973项目子课题、国家自然科学基金等12项课题。已在Global Change Biology, Ecology, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Plant and Soil, Forest Ecology and Management等土壤学、生态学和林学国际主流刊物上发表论文近80篇,包括SCI论文近47篇,第一作者(通讯作者)SCI论文36篇;参编专著1部。
  2014.11.1—8:参加在美国加州Long Beach举行的土壤学会、农学会和作物学会年会国际会议;
  2010—2011:两次到德国卡尔斯鲁厄研究中心大气环境研究部气象与气候研究所进行"大气氮沉降对森林土壤碳氮转化的微生物学影响"合作研究,合作导师为Klaus Butterbach-Bahl。
  1.  国家自然科学基金重点项目"杉木人工林SOM形成与转化的生物学调控机制",2019.1—2023.12,281万元(直接经费)。
  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目"CO2浓度升高和氮沉降对树木光合碳向SOM关键组分转化的影响",2016.1—2019.12,75万元。
  4. 森林与土壤国家重点实验室群体项目"氮沉降对森林土壤有机碳分解的影响及生物学机制",2015.7—2018.6,75万元。
  6. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项B"土壤-生物系统功能及其调控"子课题"典型森林土壤微生物组成及水平空间格局" 2014.6—2019.5,678万元。
  7.  973项目子课题"地下生态系统碳储量与林分蓄积增长对施肥措施的响应",2012.1—2016.12,100万元。
  8. 森林与土壤国家重点实验室项目子课题"会同亚热带森林生态系统大气沉降氮去向:15N示踪研究",2013.6—2016.5,15万元。
  9. 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所青年创新研究群体基金项目"碳输入对我国主要森林土壤碳库构成与碳循环的影响",2012.1—2015.12,100万元。
  10. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项子课题"杉木林固碳增汇技术实验示范",2011.1—2015.12,150万元。
  12. 国家自然科学基金重点项目子课题"亚热带人工林SOC主要来源及其相对贡献",2011.1—2014.12,40万元.
  13. 中科院沈阳应用生态所青年人才领域前沿项目"氮肥对杉木人工林土壤活性有机质的影响",2007.1—2007.12,5万元。
  1. 2010年湖南省科技进步二等奖(第三完成人);
  2.  2008-2018年(除2015和2017)连续获得中国科学院沈阳应用生态所先进工作者或先进党员;
  3. 2008年获中国科学院沈阳分院首届优秀青年学者奖。
  1. Tian Peng, Mason-Jones Kyle, Liu Shengen, Wang Qingkui*, Sun Tao. 2019. Form of nitrogen deposition affects soil organic matter priming by glucose and cellulose. Biology & Fertility of Soils, 55: 383–391
  2. Wang Qingkui*, Zhao Xuechao, Chen Longchi, Yang Qingpeng, Chen Shi, Zhang Weidong*. 2019. Global synthesis of temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon decomposition: Latitudinal patterns and mechanisms. Functional Ecology, 33:514–523.
  3. Wang Qingkui*, Chen Longchi, Yang Qingpeng, Sun Tao, Li Changmeng. 2019. Different effects of single versus repeated additions of glucose on the soil organic carbon turnover in a temperate forest receiving long-term N addition. Geoderma 341, 59–67
  4. Yang Qingpeng, Zhang Weidong, Li Renshan, Zheng Wenhui, Yang Jinyan, Xu Ming, Guan Xin, Huang Ke, Chen Longchi, Wang Qingkui*, Wang Silong*. 2019. Effects of girdling on stem CO2 efflux and its temperature sensitivity in Chinese fir and sweetgum trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 268, 116–123
  5. Chen Longchi, Guan Xin, Li Maimei, Wang Qingkui*, Zhang Weidong, Yang Qingpeng, Wang Silong*. 2019. Spatiotemporal patterns of carbon storage in forest ecosystems in Hunan Province, China. Forest Ecology and Management, 432: 656–666 
  6. Wang Qingkui*, Liu Shengen, Tian Peng. 2018. Carbon quality and soil microbial property control the latitudinal pattern in temperature sensitivity of soil microbial respiration across Chinese forest ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 24:2841–2849
  7. Wang Qingkui*, Liu Shengen, Wang Yanping, Tian Peng, Sun Tao. 2018. Influences of N deposition on soil microbial respiration and its temperature sensitivity depend on N type in a temperate forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 260–261, 240–246.
  8. Liu Shengen, Wang Hang, Deng Ye, Tian Peng, Wang Qingkui*. 2018. Forest conversion induces seasonal variation in microbial β-diversity. Environmental Microbiology, 20(1), 111–123
  9. Sun Tao, Hobbie Sarah E, Berg Bj?rn, Zhang Hongguang, Wang Qingkui, Wang Zhengwen*, H?ttenschwiler Stephan. 2018. Contrasting dynamics and trait controls in first-order root compared with leaf litter decomposition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, 10392-10397.
  10.Yang Qingpeng, Li Renshan, Zhang Weidong, Zheng Wenhui, Wang Qingkui, Chen Longchi, Xu Ming, Wang Silong*. 2018. Decomposition of harvest residue needles of different needle ages in a Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation. Plant Soil, 423, 273–284.
  11. Wang Qingkui*, Yu Youzhi, He Tongxin, Wang Yanping. 2017. Aboveground and belowground litter have equal contributions to soil CO2 emission: an evidence from a 4-year measurement in a subtropical forest. Plant Soil, 421:7–17.
  12.Wang Qingkui*, Tian Peng, Liu Shengen, Sun Tao. 2017. Inhibition effects of N deposition on soil organic carbon decomposition was mediated by N types and soil nematode in a temperate forest. Applied Soil Ecology, 120, 105-110.
  13.Wang Qingkui*, Zhang Weidong, Sun Tao, et al. 2017. N and P fertilization reduced soil autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration in a young Cunninghamia lanceolata forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 232, 66–73.
  14. Wang Qitong, Wang Nian, Wang Yanping, Wang Qingkui, Duan Baoli. 2017. Differences in root-associated bacterial communities among fine root branching orders of poplar (Populus × euramericana (Dode) Guinier.). Plant Soil, 421, 123–135.
  15. Wang Qingkui*, Zeng Zhangquan, Zhong Mcai. 2016. Soil moisture alters the response of soil organic carbon mineralization to litter addition. Ecosystems, 19(3), 450-460.
  16. Wang Qingkui*, He Tongxin, Liu Jing. 2016. Litter input decreased the response of soil organic matter decomposition to warming in two subtropical forest soils. Scientific Reports 6, 33814; doi: 10.1038/srep33814.
  17.  Wang Qingkui*, Zhong Micai. 2016. Composition and mineralization of soil organic carbon pools in four single-tree species forest soils. Journal of Forestry Research 27(6): 1277–1285.
  18. He Tongxin, Wang Qinkui*, Wang Silong, Zhang Fangyue. 2016. Nitrogen addition altered the effect of belowground C allocation on soil respiration in a Subtropical Forest. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0155881. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0155881.
  19.Zhang Weidong*, Chao Lin, Yang Qingpeng, Wang Qingkui, et al. 2016. Litter quality mediated nitrogen effect on plant litter decomposition regardless of soil fauna presence. Ecology, 97(10), 2834–2843.
  20. Chen Longchi*, Wang Silong*, Wang Qingkui. 2016. Ecosystem carbon stocks in a forest chronosequence in Hunan Province, South China. Plant and Soil, 409, 217-228
  21. Xia Zongwei, Bai Edith*, Wang Qingkui, et al. 2016. Biogeographic distribution patterns of bacteria in typical Chinese forest soils. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7:1106.doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01106.
  22. Wang Yanping*, Li Chuanrong, Wang Qingkui, et al. 2016. Environmental behaviors of phenolic acids dominated their rhizodeposition in boreal poplar plantation forest soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments 16, 1858–1870.
  23. Sun Tao, Dong Lili, Zhang Lili, Wu Zhijie, Wang Qingkui, Li Yuanyuan, Zhang Hongguang, Wang Zhengwen*. 2016. Early stage fine-root decomposition and its relationship with root order and soil depth in a Larix gmelinii plantation. Forests 7, 234; doi:10.3390/f7100234.
  24. Li Weibin, Jin Changjie, Guan Dexin, Wang Qingkui, Wang Anzhi, Yuan Fenghui, Wu Jiabing*. 2015. The effects of simulated nitrogen deposition on plant root traits: A meta-analysis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 82, 112-118.
  25. Wang Qingkui*, Wang Yanping, Wang Silong, Tongxin He, Liu Li. 2014. Fresh carbon and nitrogen inputs alter organic carbon mineralization and microbial community in forest deep soil layers. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 72, 145-151.
  26.Wang Qingkui*, Wang Silong, Tongxin He, Liu Li, Wu Jiabing. 2014. Response of organic carbon mineralization and microbial community to leaf litter and nutrient additions in subtropical forest soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 71, 13-20.
  27.Wang Qingkui*, Tongxin He, Wang Silong, Liu Li. 2013. Carbon input manipulation affects soil respiration and microbial community composition in a subtropical coniferous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 178-179, 152–160.
  28.Wang Qingkui*, Wang Silong, Zhong Micai. 2013. Ecosystem carbon storage and soil organic carbon stability in pure and mixed stands of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Michelia macclurei. Plant and Soil, 370:295–304.
  29.Wang Qingkui*, Zhong Micai, Wang Silong. 2013. Home-field advantage of litter decomposition and nitrogen release in forest ecosystems. Biology & Fertility of Soils 49, 427-434.
  30.Wang Qingkui, Liu Suping, Wang Silong*. 2013. Debris manipulation alters soil CO2 efflux in a subtropical plantation forest. Geoderma 193, 316-322.
  31.Wang Qingkui*, Fuming Xiao, Tongxin He, Wang Silong. 2013. Responses of labile soil organic carbon and enzyme activity in mineral soils to forest conversion in the subtropics. Annals of Forest Science 70:579–587
  32.Wang Qingkui*, Fuming Xiao, Zhang Fangyue, Wang Silong. 2013. Labile soil organic carbon and microbial activity in three subtropical plantations. Forestry 86, 569–574.
  33.Wang Qingkui*, Zhong Micai, Wang Silong. 2012. A meta-analysis on the response of microbial biomass, dissolved organic matter, respiration, and N mineralization in mineral soil to fire in forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Management 271, 91–97.
  34. Wang Qingkui*, Xiao Fuming, Wang Silong, Xu Guangbiao. 2012. Response of selected soil biological properties to stump presence and age in a managed subtropical forest ecosystem. Applied Soil Ecology 57, 59–64.
  35. Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*. 2011. Response of labile soil organic matter to changes in forest vegetation in subtropical regions. Applied Soil Ecology 47, 210–216.
  36. Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Yu Xiaojun. 2011. Decline of soil fertility during forest conversion of secondary forest to Chinese fir plantations in subtropical China. Land Degradation and Development 22, 444–452.
  37. Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Xu Guangbiao, Fan Bing. 2010. Conversion of secondary broadleaved forest into Chinese fir plantation alters litter production and potential nutrient returns. Plant Ecology 209, 269-278.
  38. Liu Yanxin, Wang Silong*, Wang Qingkui, Zhang Jian. 2010. Effects of mixed-species leaf litter on litter decomposition and soil microbial communities in experimental subtropical plantation forest. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 8, 1102–1108.
  39. Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Zhang Jian. 2009. Assessing the effects of vegetation types on carbon storage fifteen years after reforestation on a Chinese fir site. Forest Ecology and Management 258, 1437–1441.
  40.Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Huang Yu. 2009. Leaf litter decomposition in the pure and mixed plantations of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Michelia macclurei. Biology & Fertility of Soils 45, 371–377.
  41.Zhang Jian, Wang Silong*, Feng Zongwei, Wang Qingkui. 2009. Carbon mineralization of soils from native evergreen broadleaf forest and three plantations in mid-subtropic China. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 40, 1964–1982.
  42.Zhang Jian, Wang Silong*, Feng Zongwei, Wang Qingkui. 2009. Stability of soil organic carbon changes in successive rotations of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook) plantations. Journal of Environmental Sciences 21, 352–359.
  43.Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Liu Yanxin. 2008. Responses to N and P fertilization in a young Eucalyptus dunnii plantation: microbial properties, enzyme activities and dissolved organic matter. Applied Soil Ecology 40, 484–490.
  44.Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Huang Yu. 2008. Comparisons of litterfall, litter decomposition and nutrient return in a monoculture Cunninghamia lanceolata and a mixed stand in southern China. Forest Ecology and Management 255, 1210–1218.
  45.Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*. 2007. Soil organic matter under different forest types in Southern China. Geoderma 142, 349–356.
  46.Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Fan Bing, Yu Xiaojun. 2007. Litter production, leaf litter decomposition and nutrient return in Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in south China: effect of planting conifers with broadleaved species. Plant and Soil 297, 201–211.
  47.Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*. 2008. Soil microbial properties and nutrients in pure and mixed Chinese fir plantations. Journal of Forestry Research 19, 131–135.
  48. Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*. 2006. Microbial biomass in subtropical forest soils: effect of conversion of natural secondary broad-leaved forest to Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation. Journal of Forestry Research 17, 197–200.
  49. Wang Qingkui, Wang Silong*, Deng Shijian. 2005. Comparative study on active soil organic matter in Chinese fir plantation and Native broad-leaved forest in subtropical China. Journal of Forestry Research 16, 23–26.
  50.俞有志, 王清奎*, 于小军, 郑文辉. 施氮磷肥对杉木人工林土壤活性有机碳的影响. 生态学杂志 (2018) 37: 3053-3060
  51.刘静, 孙涛, 程云云, 王清奎*. 氮沉降和土壤线虫对落叶松人工林土壤有机碳矿化的影响. 生态学杂志 (2017) 36:2085–2093.
  52. 贺同鑫, 孙建飞, 李艳鹏, 胡宝清, 王清奎*. 环割对杉木和马尾松人工林土壤微生物群落结构的影响. 林业科学 (2017) 53: 77–84.
  53. 程云云, 孙涛, 王清奎, 梁文举, 张晓珂. 模拟氮沉降对温带森林土壤线虫群落组成和代谢足迹的影响. 生态学报(2018)38: 475-484.
  54. 李艳鹏, 贺同鑫, 王清奎*. 2016. 施肥对杉木林土壤酶和活性有机碳的影响. 生态学杂志35(10):2722–2731.
  55.王清奎*, 李艳鹏, 张方月, 贺同鑫. 2015. 短期施氮肥降低杉木幼林土壤的根系和微生物呼吸. 植物生态学报39 (12): 1166–1175.
  56.贺同鑫, 李艳鹏, 张方月, 王清奎*. 2015. 林下植被剔除对杉木林土壤呼吸和微生物群落结构的影响. 植物生态学报39: 797–806.
  57. 张方月, 王清奎*, 于小军. 2015. CO2浓度升高和N沉降对中亚热带森林土壤呼吸的短期影响. 生态学杂志34:1638–1643.
  58. 仲米财, 王清奎*, 高洪, 于小军. 2013. 中亚热带主要树种凋落叶在杉木人工林中分解及氮磷释放过程. 生态学杂志 32, 1653–1659.
  59. 王清奎*. 2011. 碳输入方式对森林土壤碳库和碳循环的影响研究进展. 应用生态学报 22, 1075–1081.
  60. 杨明, 汪思龙*, 张伟东, 王清奎. 2010. 杉木人工林生物量与养分积累动态. 应用生态学报 21, 1674–1680.
  61. 王清奎*, 范冰, 徐广标. 2009. 亚热带地区阔叶林与杉木林土壤活性有机质比较. 应用生态学报 20, 1536–1542.
  62.张剑, 汪思龙*, 王清奎, 刘燕新. 2009. 不同森林植被下土壤活性有机碳含量极其季节变化. 中国生态农业学报 17, 41–47.
  63.李荣华, 汪思龙*, 王清奎. 2008. 不同林龄马尾松针叶凋落前后养分含量及回收特征. 应用生态学报 19, 1443–1447.
  64. 王清奎, 汪思龙*, 于小军, 张剑, 刘燕新. 2007. 常绿阔叶林与杉木林的土壤碳矿化潜力及其对土壤活性有机碳的影响. 生态学杂志 26, 1918–1923.
  65.王清奎, 汪思龙*, 于小军, 张剑, 刘燕新. 2007. 杉木与阔叶树叶凋落物混合分解对土壤活性有机质的影响. 应用生态学报 18, 1203–1207.
  66.王清奎, 汪思龙, 冯宗炜. 2006. 杉木纯林与常绿阔叶林土壤活性有机碳库的比较. 北京林业大学学报 28(5), 1–6.
  67.何友军, 王清奎, 汪思龙*, 于小军. 2006. 杉木人工林土壤微生物生物量碳氮特征及其与土壤养分的关系. 应用生态学报 17, 2292–2296.
  68.王清奎, 汪思龙*, 高洪, 刘艳, 于小军. 2005. 土地利用方式对土壤有机质的影响. 生态学杂志 24(4), 360–363.
  69. 王清奎, 汪思龙*, 冯宗炜, 黄宇. 2005. 土壤活性有机质及其与土壤质量的关系. 生态学报 25, 513–519.
  70.王清奎, 汪思龙*, 冯宗炜. 2005. 杉木人工林土壤可溶性有机质及其与土壤养分的关系. 生态学报 25, 1299–1305.
  71.王清奎, 汪思龙, 高洪, 于小军. 2005. 杉木人工林土壤活性有机质变化特征. 应用生态学报 16, 1270–1274.
  72. 王清奎, 汪思龙*. 土壤团聚体形成与稳定机制及影响因素. 土壤通报 36, 415–421.
  73. 汪思龙*, 黄志群, 王清奎, 于小军. 2005. 凋落物的树种多样性与杉木人工林土壤生态功能. 生态学报 25, 474–480.
  74.王清奎, 汪思龙, 冯宗炜, 邓仕坚, 高洪. 2004. 杉木人工林土壤有机质研究. 应用生态学报 15, 1947–1952.
  75. 黄宇, 汪思龙, 冯宗炜*, 高洪, 王清奎, 胡亚林, 颜绍馗. 2004. 不同人工林生态系统林地土壤质量评价. 应用生态学报 15, 2199–2205.
  76.黄宇, 冯宗炜*, 汪思龙, 于小军, 高洪, 王清奎. 杉木与固氮和非固氮树种混交对林地质量和土壤水化学的影响. 生态学报 24, 2192–2199.
  审  稿: 
  目前主要为Global Change Biology, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Scientific Reports, Geoderma, Plant and Soil, Forest Ecology and Management, Ecosystems, Ecological research, European Journal of Soil Biology, Journal of Forestry Research, 植物生态学报,应用生态学报,土壤学报,生态学杂志,生态环境学报,亚热带资源与环境学报等期刊审稿。