
学术报告(Recent land cover change and its climate effect in Europe)

  报告题目:Recent land cover change and its climate effect in Europe 


  时间:1119 15:00-17:00 



  黄波,挪威科技大学博士后,德国柏林自由大学博士,兰州大学大气科学学士和地理学硕士。主要从事区域气候模拟、土地利用及变化、东亚季风等研究。在Nature CommunicationsEnviron Res LettAgr Forest Meteorol 等期刊发表论文20余篇。长期担任 Nature CommunicationsEnviron Res LettRemote Sensing等期刊审稿专家。 


  Many future scenarios expect a key role for the land use sector to stabilize temperature rise to 2℃ or less. Changes in land cover can influence the climate system, and the extent and magnitude of the anthropogenic modifications at local and regional scales is still largely unexplored. In this work, we focus on land cover changes (LCCs), use a high-resolution land cover dataset, combine a regional climate model to explore the biophysical effect of LCCs. Around 70 Mha of LCCs occurred in Europe from 1992 to 2015. We find an average temperature change of ?0.12 ± 0.20 °C, with widespread cooling in summer and spring. The mean cooling is mainly correlated with agriculture abandonment (cropland-to-forest transitions), but a new approach based on ridge-regression decomposing the temperature change to the individual land transitions shows opposite responses to cropland losses and gains between western and eastern Europe. The findings may lead to sub-optimal climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies in Europe.  

